Welcome to the new and improved thechrisphilbrook.com!
Well, hopefully improved.
With the notable cyber attack on the previous round of websites, I knew the time was here to make big changes. With the help of Remy Flagg I was able to get this site built, customized, slicked up, and made secure, and to him, I’m extremely grateful.
I’ve got a brand new book store here, as well as merchandise storefront, plus a secure url as needed, blog, media page, event calendar, and more.
Many of you who visited the old sites will surely miss them, but with the baby here and my commitments to writing and publishing, there wasn’t enough time for me to manage four sites. Ergo, the others now forward here, and I’ll be adding content to a single place, where everyone can see it.
If you were a premium subscriber on a previous website, rest assured that content will be coming soon. I hope in the time you had premium you were able to get your money’s worth, and if you have any questions, please contact me directly.
Also; thank so much. Premium subscribers on AUD back in the day helped bankroll the initial publishing expenses I occurred, and allowed me to start this whole ‘writing career.’ To you all, I’m grateful beyond measure. I’ll never be able to adequately express my appreciation.
To celebrate the launch of the new site, I’m doing a live Facebook event on the 28th of September, and on that show, I’ll be sharing a special coupon code for folks to get merchandise at a great deal. I’ll also be giving away some free stuff, so share the news, and you might cash in on some goodies.
Again, thank you for your support, thank you for checking out the new site, and I look forward to writing posts you ignore, and books you give bad reviews to!