
Hey team!

I am SUPER excited to announce that the German language rights to the first eight books of Adrian’s Undead Diary have been purchased by Papierverzierer Verlag ; a notable horror/post-apoc German publisher. You can visit their website here: https://papierverzierer.de/

They’re retitling the books from the original publisher (returning them to their original title), getting new covers, and pushing the entire series to market on the fast track, to capture momentum, and build the German fan base. They are planning on eBooks, print books, and audiobooks.

If you would share the news, the eBook of Dark Recollections has just gone live in German, and books 2 and 3 are enroute within months!

I’m so excited to see the series in their hands, and I’m very excited to get the books into new reader’s hands.

If you’d like, here’s the link to Dark Recollections on the German version of Amazon!

Dunkle Erinnerungen (Adrians Tagebuch der Untoten 1) Kindle Edition

So cool.

Oh, and if you’d like to join my German language fan club on Facebook (everyone seems to speak English), you can find that group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/776588999178474/

