Briefly, so long as COVID in Maine remains a mere dumpster fire, and not an apocalyptic dumpster fire.
Bangor Toy & Comic Con will have me uncomfortably up in its vendor spaces on all three of its glorious, unrestrained, geeky days. The show runs October 1st-3rd in Bangor Maine, which is the area of the world I lived in for a few years growing up. It’s also where some guy named Stephen King has lived for some time, and where there’s a bitching statue of Paul Bunyon.
If you’re into that kind of thing.
I’m currently trying to finagle a public appearance by the king of dual-wielding adult novelties himself, Chris Fagan at my booth with me, but it’s a long hike from his mansion in Connecticut, and he’s got a busy schedule, putting both hands on weapons of mass destruction. (If you aren’t getting these jokes, please read/listen to DEAD LUCKY.)
I’m still working out the logistics and such, but it looks to be a good time in a small city I’ve never done a show in. I will have an assortment of all my books, stickers and bookmarks, but I will not have any shirts. All my shirts are handled through Redbubble now. If you’re in Maine, or the northeast in general, and want to make a trip to a neat place, and meet me, please consider coming to say hi!
Tickets are available here: https://www.bangorcomicandtoycon.com/
You can also follow the show’s page here on Facebook for updates: Bangor Comic & Toy Con.