Welcome to the mass giveaway week!

I haven’t run many free promos on my eBooks yet this year, and seeing that it’s already July, that’s a problem. So, in one fell summer swoop, I’ve dropped the price of four books down to ZERO DOLLARS on the Kindle. Also, later this week, I’ve got the 2nd AUD Omnibus on sale as well, so the people who dig the first can grab the second at a deal.
To help make shopping easier, here are four direct Amazon links to the titles set to free until the 13th:
Tesser: A Dragon Among Us, Book One of The Reemergence (Urban Fantasy)
The Adrian’s Undead Diary Omnibus, Volume One (Zompoc)
The Wrath of the Orphans, Book One of the Kinless Trilogy (Apocalyptic Dark Fantasy)
The Awakening, The Darkness of Diggory Finch Book One (Lovecraftian horror/urban fantasy)
And if you want to bookmark the 2nd AUD Omnibus, here’s a link for that sale later this week.
Spread the word, nab a book you’ve been holding out on, leave a review, and as always, THANK YOU!