
Kickstarter is live!

We fully funded in 4.5 minutes, and now, two hours into the project’s life, here’s where we’re at: Over 200% funded now, with half the stretch goals unlocked. If you want to join in on the rampage of goodness, and back the book, head to this link....

It’s official: May 24th at noon

If you missed yesterday’s post… Read this one instead! tl:dr Diggory book two Kickstarter goes live on Tuesday, May 24th at noon. Click the picture above to go to Kickstarter to follow the project, or just click on these words. If you’re into rare...

The Twelve Kickstarter is nigh!

I’d say more, but the picture pretty much sums up what I need to communicate here. Linkage: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/philbrookauthor/the-darkness-of-diggory-finch-book-two-the-twelve-and-dice More info to follow.