
Live interview in 3..2..1…

Hey squad. I’ve been invited to the Written Undead Facebook group’s live Saturday show today in about at hour, at 2pm eastern standard time. Richard Ryan Rose, Jack Childress and Pattie Fry Rauccio are the hosts, and we’re planning on chatting...

The Bleed has come to an end.

Today the third book in The Bleed trilogy releases. Co-written by David Moody, Mark Tufo and myself this universe-spanning, multiverse-wrecking apocalyptic story can be read or listened to in its entirety. // Reality after reality is being destroyed by THE BLEED. With...

Bangor Toy & Comic Con

I AM SURFACING FOR AIR IN OCTOBER. Briefly, so long as COVID in Maine remains a mere dumpster fire, and not an apocalyptic dumpster fire. Bangor Toy & Comic Con will have me uncomfortably up in its vendor spaces on all three of its glorious, unrestrained, geeky...

The Awakening

Is here. Stephen King meets Kevin Smith in this smart, humor-laced tale of cosmic horror, cults, and monsters running amok.Diggory Finch had a mother that didn’t seem to want him, and a father that chose to run from every struggle the family ever had. Same father lied...