
Shipping delays

Hey everyone, I’ve received a disturblingly large amount of angry emails the past ten days or so about book orders from me taking a long time to arrive. I ship all book orders via USPS Media Mail, which takes anywhere from one to six days to arrive when things...

No More Heroes has arrived on Audible!

It’s here, it’s here! Carl Meadow’s entry into the world of Adrian Ring crash landed on Audible this morning, and you can snap it up for a single credit. Narrated by Danielle Cohen, and nearly 12 hours long, it’s a guaranteed good day for your...

No God just released on Audible

Huzzah, Audible! I’d rather not have a new release on a holiday, right before Black Friday, but yay! It’s out, finally! // Question: What’s something you can do on Thanksgiving Day to make gathering with family more awkward than usual? Answer One:...

The Day Dad Died

I posted this a few years ago, and after a good session with my therapist this morning, it feels right to post it again. Another little memorial for dear old dad as we crash into the holiday, and the grief process I go through every year around this time. I know...