
The Bleed: RUPTURE is HERE!

“From three of apocalyptic fiction’s most innovative authors, THE BLEED series pits humanity against an infectious, all-consuming evil in stories packed with great characters, interesting ideas, and plenty of good end-of-the-world fun.” –Craig...

The Bleed: RUPTURE – Chapter Two excerpt

2 Base Station New Start, Sea of Crises, Earth’s Moon Surface It was 2035, the year the earth came to a tipping point it could not recover from. Deforestation, pollution, melting of the polar ice caps, overpopulation, and an inability to provide enough food had pushed...

The Bleed: RUPTURE – Chapter One Excerpt

1 LONDON, NEXT WEEK Somehow, everything in this complex sprawl of a city feels like it’s interconnected. More than seven million people live here and work and play and learn here, and despite the fact most of them stay happily within their own little bubbles, doing...