by | May 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
The 10D10 Interview Challenge #17 – Armand Rosamilia, author, FloridaMan, podcaster, fan of minor league baseball. The website here autosaves everything on a 30 second timer. Buuuut.., if the internet goes down, it stops backing up, and then if anything goes...
by | May 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
The 10D10 Interview Challenge #16 – Jeff Strand, author, bigfoot aficionado, jaded porn critic. Jeff’s one of those kinds of guys that you see online, being all witty, and smart, and funny, and you think to yourself; Jesus I hate people that talented. So...
by | May 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
The 10D10 Interview Challenge #15 – R.L. Blalock, author, ammunition hater. R. to the Izz-L Blalock is an author whom I admire. She has a three year old, and seems to still be getting things done, which is pretty much a miracle in my book. I am strongly...
by | May 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
The 10D10 Interview Challenge #14 – Javan Bonds, author, wiseass, monkey collector. Javan seems pleasant. I haven’t actually met him in person due to some pesky restraining orders that are still lingering, but I’m hoping another few weeks will get...
by | May 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
The 10D10 Interview Challenge #13 – Veronica Smith, author, and pie bingo enthusiast. (wtf is pie bingo?) Veronica was a fan, back in the day. I’m told it was a Wednesday by Dane Cook. She’s awesome. We met at a meet and greet in Houston back in 2015...