
To novella, or not to novella?

That is the question. So I ran this huge sale awhile back where I dropped the price on the anthologies in the Tales of AUD series, while simultaneously GIVING AWAY all three of the novellas in that series. I’m a generous soul, to give away thousands of dollars...

The #2’s on Tuesday Sale!

It’s here. Actually not yet, but this coming Tuesday, October 3rd of the grand year 2017, I’m running a Kindle MEGA SALE! Mega might be an exaggeration, but technically, it’s the most amount of free titles I’ve ever had at once. After running a...

David Price’s Lightbringers

Good friend and local horror/fantasy author David Price wrote a sweet book, and I was privileged to get my hands on an ARC copy of it for an editorial review. I really liked it. Dave’s novel is a mixture of Tolkein, Gaiman, and Lovecraft, and I mean that when I...